ICAFE Strategic Programs
ICAFE commenced its collaborative efforts with IREO, Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization, in 2013. Energy and environment play important role in sustainable development and education, and we built a concept and activities around these thoughts considering various factors and categories in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
ICAFE has special collaborative partnership with U.N. alumni organization for Interns & Fellows “World Association of Former U.N. Interns & Fellows, WAFUNIF.
This interagency sponsorship is to first support the new arriving interns at UN, plus raising awareness and interest to support the basic opportunities for the member-state of our union-agreement at International center in New York.
Internship & Fellowship for the Future

ICAFE & Several Entities Promote New Technology
ICAFE promotes various technology discovery, and works with its global network to provide introduction of science and development for patent in helping better future we understand the negative impacts of lack of funds in supporting development of new ways to have better environment in energy sector, water air and housing to better serve their communities.