ICAFE Structure
ICAFE structure consist of the various offices, councils operate in union under BOARD OF DIRECTORS & the General Secretariat discretion.
Our HQ in the United States is at: 17333 Croydon Road, Jamaica Estates, NY 11432, New York, USA. Operates as independent US branch in coordination with several regional offices in Los Angeles & Washington D.C. In Europe we have strong presence including our representations in Aix-en-Provence in France, United States in Florida and Caribbean region.
The Organization is amenable to cultivate cooperative, collaborative, coordinate, and working relationships with conducive organizations and institutions, particularly associated with the international community and/or other than United Nations system on pro-governmental level.
Board of Trustees
The supreme governing body of the IGO. Working on a renewable term of three years on a plurality voting system, with a casting vote of the Chairperson, who is periodically elected by participating members with a quorum of four to six respectively.
The Advisory Council is consisted of reputed experts in fields relative to our cause, with a number and duration as decided by the Trustees, advising in its individual or collective capacity.